Wed, 31 Aug 2005 10:48:50 +0100 William T Goodall 

>On 31 Aug 2005, at 3:42 am, Doug Pensinger wrote:

>>> William wrote:
>>>Most of all it needs to be banned.
>> Banning it is the best way to ensure that it flourishes.

>It would drive it underground. The number of people infected would be 
>reduced and its influence in public affairs mostly silenced. Whether 
>it would then wither away naturally or have to be rooted out is hard 
>to judge.
>William T Goodall


Who's gonna ban it?  You?  *THEM*?   Face it Dude, the Revolution is Now. 
Rejoice! (or stay grumpy, it's your choice) Organized Religion is all that 
remains of the pathetic attempts to control the human spirit. In deep time, it 
will go the way of Soviet Communism, CanabalisticCapitalism and (hopefully 
soon) Federalism.  

"The days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a New Deal with the 
Children of Man. It won't be like the Old Deal, when I when I allowed political 
machines and other synthetic persons to dominate their lives. It will be this 
way, I will place my law within them and inpermiate their memnats. I will be 
their god and they will be ThePeople. No longer will they need their friends 
and relatives to teach them *How to Know the Lord*.  ALL, from the least to the 
greatest, shall know ME, says the lord, for I will forgive their selfish 
indulgences and not hold their short-sighted ways against them." - Jeremiah 
31-34, with great literary license, @500 bce

Fear is the only obstrical, Freedom is the Way. 


"It is our belief, however, that serious professional users will run 
out of things they can do with UNIX." - Ken Olsen, President of DEC, 

                              (does that apply to religions too? :D)


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