Dave Land wrote:
On Sep 2, 2005, at 12:19 PM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

On Sep 1, 2005, at 11:10 AM, Julia Thompson wrote:

Uh, Warren, if you'd just FRIGGIN' SHOWN UP HERE LAST NIGHT you would have been welcome to all the cherry pie in the house. Really. And ice cream to go with it. And if that weren't enough, I would have been happy to defrost the 2 slices of "Georgia Pecan Pie" in the freezer for you.

Oh sure. Blame it on ME. Out tryin' to make a livin' t'keep m'family fed and ALL I ASK when I get home is a LITTLE PEACE N QUIET…

Jeez, I really can't keep that up. How do those people do it?

The problem is that you are "putting it on." It's not "who you are." And besides, just who do you mean when you say "those people."


I assumed he meant "people who cop that attitude 24/7", nothing more, nothing less.



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