> William T Goodall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> quoted:


<big DEFANGED_snip> 
> Earth to Bush: the breaching of the levees had been
> foreseen for  
> decades. If anyone wanted evidence that this
> president was completely  
> divorced from reality, that statement was Exhibit

Not to mention that a LA-raised friend of mine called
on _Monday_ night with news of deadly chaos at the
Convention Center, while all the interviews of gov't
officials I've seen state that 'they didn't know'
until Wed. --  not excusable, IMO.

> http://michellemalkin.com/archives/003458.htm
> "During his visit to Mobile, Ala., on Friday,
> President Bush singled  
> out Michael D. Brown, head of the Federal Emergency
> Management  Agency, for praise:

> - He blamed the flood victims in New Orleans for
> failing to evacuate  
> on time, even though local authorities failed to
> make municipal  
> vehicles available to residents who could not drive
> or did not own  their own cars.

This was a local gov't failure, certainly.
> "It took four days to begin a large-scale evacuation
> of people  
> stranded in the Superdome stadium and to bring in
> significant amounts  
> of food and water to an American city easily
> accessible by motorway,"  
> the Observer notes. "Relief agencies took half that
> time to reach  
> Indonesia after the Boxing Day tsunami. "
> This is not the time to give a weak performer the
> benefit of the  
> doubt. The FEMA director's role in the ongoing
> recovery effort is too  
> important to be entrusted to a clueless political
> hack with such poor judgment.

A lawyer who previously managed the International
Arabian Horse Association...*what* kind of experience
is that for managing disasters?   Still, that handicap
could have been overcome with diligent homework; 
apparently, it wasn't.

Any One Of Us Would Have Studied Ahead Maru   >:/

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