----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ronn!Blankenship" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: Disturbing report

> At 10:50 AM Tuesday 9/6/2005, Dan Minette wrote:
> >A friend of ours who works at a local clinic (just north of Houston)
> >they are getting a number of people from New Orleans there.  The most
> >disturbing story  were two women who came to their clinic because they
> >raped....but who would not report the rapes to authorities.
> Many people do not trust the authorities to do anything in such cases
> in normal times.  Why should they trust them more in these
> circumstances?  Particularly if they are some of the ones reported to
> have been raped at the convention center after having gone there
> expecting shelter . . .

That's  a true statement, but I guess I was not clear as to what in
particular I found disturbing.  I don't blame the women at all; I cannot
empathize because I've never been close to being in that position, but I do
understand why they would make that decision....your explaination of their
position makes sense to me.

What's disturbing is having a personal measure of how large the rape
problem was.  The clinic I'm talking about is not big.  It doesn't see
hundreds in a day, for example.  The people seen there have to be a very
small fraction of the total number being seen.  And _they_ have two
unreported rapes in one day.  That would tend to indicate that the rapes
during that week were at least in the hundreds, and probably in the

Dan M.


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