Couple of reports from the captain of the Iwo Jima...

Subject: IWO Update - 6 Sep 05

Hello All;

Since I took over IWO JIMA over a year ago, I felt as though I had
control of the destiny of the ship. I thought I lost it today, the
time ever, and that we were merely reacting to events rather than
controlling them.

Within the first 24 hours after arriving pierside in New Orleans, IWO
JIMA has become many things. We are one of the few full service
the area and have been operating aircraft on and off our deck for
hours each day. We are also one of the only air conditioned facilities
 within a ten mile radius and though we have had
problems making water from the polluted Mississippi, we are also the
only hot shower within miles. All day long we have been accommodating
local policemen, firemen, state troopers, national guard, 82nd
Airborne division personnel with hot showers and hot food. I met an
ambulance team from Minnesota who just drove straight to New Orleans
they heard of the tragedy and have been supporting hospitals free of
for the last week. They hadn't had a hot meal in over a
week and were grateful to have the opportunity to have lunch onboard.

The Deputy Commander of the RI National Guard reported to me that he
had guardsmen who were whipped, but after a hot shower and an IWO JIMA
breakfast were ready to hit the patrols again. Rarely have I seen so
many smiling, happy faces than on these people. After two weeks in the
trenches sleeping on concrete floors, no shower, and eating MREs, good
IWO JIMA has been a Godsend. I had an opportunity to talk to the
of Homeland Security for a few minutes in my cabin. I
asked him if there was anything more I could do for him, he asked if
he could get a shower. I was glad to turnover my cabin to him. The
FEMA coordinator and his logistics and security teams were on my
quarterdeck this afternoon asking permission to set up their command
center on the pier next to the ship. While they had sophisticated
and control equipment, they had no place to berth their 250 FEMA
We were glad to give them a home. Contrary to the press, all the FEMA
people I met had been on station since last Sunday
(before the Hurricane hit), never left the area, and have been in the
 field ever since. The command duty officer was told that one state
had driven 80 miles to get to the ship. He said that the word was out:
Come to IWO JIMA. We expect that the flood gates will open on us.

Early this morning we received our first medical emergency: an elderly
with stroke-like symptoms. Throughout the day we received about
a dozen medical emergencies, the most serious was an elderly man who
was stabbed in the chest and was bleeding to death. The doctors
surgery on him and saved his life. I toured the hospital ward; all our
charges were elderly and disadvantaged individuals. As with Hotel IWO
we expect to see many more casualties tomorrow.

Our curse appears to be our flight deck and our extraordinary command
and control capabilities. Our challenge today was the tidal wave of
and General Officers that flooded onboard, 17 total, virtually all
notice. I couldn't believe there were so many involved in
this effort and they all wanted to come here. They poured onto the
flight deck in one helicopter after another in order to meet with
Honore, the Joint Task Force Commander. The majority showed up around
same time and all wanted to leave at the same time, making it a
for our flight deck team to control and coordinate flights on and off
ship for all these admirals and generals while supporting the
effort. I spent most of the day running around the ship getting these
people off and on helicopters and in and out of the meetings and
spaces. It was like herding cats. But the ship performed superbly and
 flexed to
meet the challenge. Regretfully, we expect nearly 20 admirals and
onboard tomorrow for more meetings. To add to the challenges, virtually
of these commands are sending liaison staffs
to help coordinate issues, and already a number of admirals and
generals have permanently embarked. The Inn is full.

I talked to one of the FEMA team members who had also worked the
disaster relief for 9/11. I asked him how much more difficult was the
Katrina relief effort compared to 9/11. He said it was without
thousand of times worse than 9/11. He couldn't articulate the
magnitude of the destruction.

Despite all the challenges, I think we regained control by the end of
the day. We are forearmed for tomorrow's onslaught. At our evening Dept
Head meeting, I asked all my principals to tell me what the stupidest
they heard or saw today. The list was enormous. But the most absurd
was when my Tactical Action Officer, who runs our
24 hour command center (CIC) got a phone call from the Director of the

New Orleans Zoo. Apparently, there was a large fire near the zoo. It

was so intense that the fire department had to abandon the cause, but
military helos were heavily engaged in scooping up giant buckets of
and dumping in on the blaze in an effort to put it out. The director
complained to us that the noise from the helos was disturbing

the animals, especially the elephants, which he was most concerned
about, and asked us to stop. The TAO thanked him for his interest in
national defense.

It is inspiring to meet and talk to such a huge number of individuals
 who are doing the Lord's work to recover this city. They have had
sleep, little food, no showers, working 16-18 hours a day, and in some
no pay, and they are thanking ME for a hot meal! Only in America. We
turned the corner. It will take an awful long time, but we have turned

All the best,



Subject: IWO Update - 7 Sep 05

Hello All;

We finally had a chance to have Captain's Call this morning. The ship

has been running at full speed for 8 days straight with a myriad of
changing missions and requirements piled on top of us. I thought it
tell the crew where I thought this was going and what impact we have
I told them that as with any contingency operations there is that
surge of energy and inspiration that often times

gives way to frustration and tedium; I did not want them to
underestimate the magnitude of what they were accomplishing each day by
their hard work on the flight deck, the galley, the well deck, CIC,

Radio Central (JMC), on the pier, and in the engineering spaces to
support this great undertaking. Every job on the ship is important and
contribution of IWO JIMA has already been enormous.

Our contributions have been growing. Today, we opened out doors to
900-1,200 Army, National Guard, and local law enforcement personnel to

take showers and get hot meals. We were getting overwhelmed. There
was a steady stream of 60 to 100 every hour on the quarterdeck asking
come onboard and get refreshed. The word has obviously gotten out.

One Army Captain told the Command Master Chief that his unit of 60
soldiers had come from 60 miles away because his general told him to go
IWO JIMA and they'll take care of you. We couldn't say no.

Not satisfied with the record-setting flight operations yesterday, the

flight deck team nearly doubled the number of aircraft hits. At one
point the team was bringing in Army Blackhawks two at a time, one group
after another in perfect sequence. It was an impressive sight to
Medical casualties continued to come onboard the ship, some by
ambulance, others by air or boat. After yesterday, the Medical folks
reworked their procedures, so today everything flowed smoothly. Supply
department has served up thousands

of meals; the mess line never closes. Deck department got back to
their roots and conducted boat operations and a sterngate marriage with
TORTUGA's LCM-8 landing craft, moving more supplies to our sister

ship. But lest we forget, the bedrock of IWO JIMA's strength lies in

three simple things:
electricity, air conditioning, hot water - all provided by the
uncomplaining engineers.

But of all the manifold capabilities of good ship IWO JIMA, medical,
logistic, and air support, our command and control capabilities have
to the forefront. It almost sounds surreal but IWO JIMA has literally
become the headquarters, the center of the universe for all Federal
recovery efforts - DoD as well as civilian. It is on this

ship that the myriad efforts have all come together. Yesterday, for
 the first time ever, some 17 admirals and generals got together with
Joint Task Force Commander, General Honore, face to face to coordinate
numerous and ever growing military recovery and support

Today, the same cadre of admirals and generals were back onboard but
this time accompanied by the civilian side. FEMA has now established
headquarters on the pier along side (and onboard IWO JIMA) to better
coordinate their efforts with us. But with this has come an ever
number of staff members embarking on the ship. Our population has grown
from a crew of some 1,200 to nearly 2,500 (including several hundred
guardsmen and soldiers living onboard) with

all the detachments, augments, and now senior staffs. I think we are
now up to one three-star, one two-star, and four one-stars embarked
ship IWO JIMA. We are bursting at the seams. We have spent the vast
majority of our days taking care of and chasing down the myriad staff
members. It is like herding cats, except these cats fly on and off our
flight deck periodically.

I had a chance to meet Governor Blanco of Louisiana and her Lieutenant

Governor today when she came onboard for the giant 1200 briefing with
General Honore and were later joined by Admiral Nathman and Vice
Fitzgerald. The ships Ready Room was bursting at the seams with senior
officers and high officials - you had to step outside just to change your 
mind. I had seen the Governor on TV many times. She
looked different in person: tired and worn out. She told me that she
averaging about 4 hours of sleep a night, but smiled, I guess that's
what you get in the military. You could see the severe strain of the
weeks events. I quoted her the famous line from Churchill the night be
became Prime Minister of wartime Britain, that

it was as if I were walking with Destiny, and that all of my past life

had been but preparation for this moment and this trial. The
recovery from the damage of Hurricane Katrina is an unprecedented trial
the Governor and many, many others. My observation is that America,
throughtout her history, has always been slow to respond, but

once that powerful engine gets into gear it is massive and
unstoppable. I suspect this will also be the case for the Gulf Coast.

It has become our tradition at the evening department head meeting to
go around the room and have each person list the stupidest or silliest

thing they heard or saw during the day. As you can imagine, the log
book is overflowing with accounts. Yesterday it was the helos and the

elephants at the zoo. Today it was me. I have been inundated with
doing interviews: CNN, Pentagon press, Regina Mobley and Channel 13
the Boston Globe, Carla McCabe and the Army Times, and finally Greta
Susturen. We did a spot with Greta on the pier this morning

with the massive bow of IWO JIMA in the background and helos flying on

and off the ship with great noise - an impressive backdrop for this
puffed up officer. As I was being interviewed by Greta, a pair of
Blackhawks swooped onto the flight deck sending up a great wind which
off my ball cap. I instinctively scrambled after it before it blew into
 water. When I turned around the FOX News photographer looked at me and
smiled, I got that on film.

Look for me chasing my hat down the pier on the next Fox News spot.

All the best,


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

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