Sat, 17 Sep 2005 17:42:41 -0500 Julia Thompson  wrote:
>Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
>> At 03:49 PM Saturday 9/17/2005, Julia Thompson wrote:
>>> Dan makes a common spelling error below, and I can't help but be 
>>> snarky this afternoon
> >
> >
> >
>> And your reason the rest of the time is . . . ? :P

>Oh, I can't help but be snarky at other times. But I figured I'd throw 
>that in *this* time. :)

>>> (if more people post more stuff with content on ANY of my mailing 
>>> lists, I'll be more likely to STFU):
>>> Dan Minette wrote:
>>>> I'm not quite sure where you break with established biochemestry, so
>>>> let me ask a few questions. Do you question the roll of DNA in
>>>> genetic?
>>> Yes, I do. I think it's more of a croissant sort of thing.
>>> Julia
>>> leaving the obvious TP thread untouched as of yet
>> Did I hear myself being paged?
>> --Ronn! :)
>> "Bathroom humor is an American-Standard."

>That would be about right.


Puuuhleeese folks,  It is obvious to me that Dan is making an allegorical 
reference; in that,  the coiled DNA thread (a roll) is very much like the 
"noodley appendage" of the FSM. 

The difference IS that "his noodley appendage" flys, not only through the 
here-and-now, but through 4D space-time. (at least; I think it's different, 
maybe it's not...  I gotta look that up. Let's see, complex 4D space/time 
computers.... hmm

....... Has anybody seen my pills by the way?)

Leonard- F.S.M.heretic -Matusik [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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