Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: "Deborah Harrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The article I cited deals with cancer research/drugs
> only; I will look for others, frex antibiotics and
> antihypertensives, heart drugs etc.

"I hope you understand why I don't think the
percentage of drugs that come from various sources is
a function  can be adressed by citing specific

It's just that all technical articles I've
title-scanned so far deal with specific categories of
drugs: antibiotics, heart failure, anti-HIV,
antipsychotics and so forth.  That's why I tossed in
the non-technical WebMD article.  The first couple of
Medscape papers I scanned could be seen as casting
aspersion on pharmas -- for lack of research on
antibiotics, which apparently is far less profitable
than on drugs for chronic conditions such as
heartburn, and vaccine troubles (but I think we agree
that gov'ts have to step in there).

WRT patents, since the gov't isn't in the drug
production business, I would not expect it to hold any
at all (except for maybe vaccines, and *of course*
those drugs that create SuperSoldiers from ordinary
folk <grin>).

Nice Cool Day For Riding Maru    :)

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