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Date: Oct 13, 2005 5:51 PM
Subject: [VFP_101] Karl Rove NeoCondoms!
To: undisclosed-recipients

Sorry, they leak!

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From: The Ruckus Society <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 01:50:43 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: ShoutOut! - Karl Rove NeoCondoms!
  *Karl Rove NeoCondoms!*

The Ruckus Society is pleased to introduce the *Karl Rove
This first edition prophylactic is embossed with the face of our President's
Chief Political Strategist (i.e. "Bush's Brain") and reads "Some Things
Should Never Leak."

These latex rubbers are the cutting edge in Fundamentalist Christian birth

Karl Rove NeoCondoms, like their namesake, *leak*, so they cannot be viewed
as a sinful contraceptive. However, our exhaustive field-testing has proven
that Karl's pudgy face on every wrapper will promote abstinence by
functioning as a powerful deterrent to sex.

The Karl Rove NeoCondom is being issued to commemorate Karl's fourth trip
back to Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's Grand Jury. Mr. Rove has had
difficulty recollecting the role he played in exposing the identity of
Valerie Plame, an undercover CIA agent whose husband was critical of Karl's
efforts to "get our war on" in Iraq. Karl will surely maintain his innocence
while addressing some tricky issues of testimony-drift.

His testimony will most likely take place this Friday, October 14. Oddly,
they are being very secretive about the date and time. Look for his
NeoCondoms to debut wherever Karl can be found in DC this week.

Come on Karl! Show yourself, man!!!!!

*Action Alert: Ruckus, Code Pink, the League of Pissed Off Voters, and
assorted DC allies will be at 3rd and Constitution outside the Superior
Courthouse in DC when Karl testifies. We should be easy to spot (think
strong Condom Motif here). Please come and join us if you can. Anyone
pitching in on our efforts will take home their very own Karl Rove

Join the Karl Rove Rapid Response email
and we'll alert you to when he will be testifying. Then, you can hurry on
down and join in on the fun. The first five folks to join us will have the
honor of wearing life size condoms (just kidding - they're already called
for). If you can't be there in person, be there in spirit by donating to the
action fund and getting your very own Karl Rove

Please pass this email on to your friends!

Peace out,

p.s. Sign up to receive our email ShoutOuts! on The Ruckus Society

- --
Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

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