Julia Thompson wrote:
> Dan Minette wrote:
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert G. Seeberger"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <brin-l@mccmedia.com> Sent:
>> Wednesday, October 19, 2005 10:55 PM Subject: WOOOOOOO
>> HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>> WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> I'm pretty excited too.  I'm looking forward to watching the World
>> Series come here.  I was very lucky to be at the 18 inning game 
>> that
>> clinched the divisional playoff.  A friend had an extra comp ticket
>> from ESPN, so all I had to to was drive down and pay parking to go 
>> to
>> that game.  I hope you forgive me for being more excited then than 
>> I
>> am now, but I think you can understand.
> Hey, being in the venue at the time of the victory is pretty 
> exciting!
> I think the UT game was a lot more exciting for me, being there in 
> the
> stadium with a bunch of other alumni fans, than it would have been 
> if
> I'd just been watching it on TV and been dealing with all my small
> children at the same time.  And it's not just a function of the
> presence of small children.  :)
> If you're lucky enough to get a ticket to one of the WS games, let 
> us
> know how exciting it was after you get back from it!

Hope Dan can get another comp ticket. Brokers are selling tickets as 
cheap as $800, but some outfield seats in the "Crawford Boxes" are 
going for $4500.

I think I'd buy a top'o'the'line bigscreen instead.<G>

At the hospital we have a group of displaced workers from Hurricane 
Rita and I know with some certainty that they are very excited. They 
are immense baseball (Astro) fans, which really surprised me since 
they live a hunnert miles and more from Houston.

I can't wait to go to work!!!!!!

At The Top Maru


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