It's interesting... though it strikes me that a label like "Christian left"
is more divisive than "Christian and left," or better, "Christian and
politically liberal." Somehow, the "Network of Spiritual Progressives" name
doesn't bother me, even though it seems to be somewhat of the same ilk.
Perhaps that's because it doesn't identify a single religion, it is not
implying that perhaps one surely must be liberal if one is a Christian... an
idea that seems very wrong to me.

Too many things are becoming politicized. Did anyone here know that we are
not permitted to take pictures of the dead troops into Arlington National
Cemetery because they are considered political? Didn't Sen. John McCain say
the same sort of thing about the vigils we held after the 2,000th American
military died in Iraq? A TV reporter asked me about that, but I haven't seen
what he actually said.


P.S. Good heavens, I've top-posted and I'm too sleepy and lazy to fix it.
Mea culpa.

On 10/28/05, Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Most specifically, Nick & Dave. Probably others will have interest as
> well, but they're the ones I thought of when I saw the site.
> From the main page of the site:
> [quote]
> What if our faith and our politics could clearly come together?
> What if we were no longer made to feel like we had to choose?
> What if we, as progressive Christians, could help to reframe the ongoing
> conversation about faith?
> All of this is possible.
> CrossLeft is a grassroots organization created to provide the forum for
> us to work towards this end.
> [end quote]
> So, there it is. I hope someone gets at least a little use out of it. :)
> Julia
> _______________________________________________

Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

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