On Oct 30, 2005, at 7:28 PM, Dan Minette wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dave Land wrote:

Dave "'Virgin' birth possibly just a mistranslation" Land

My understanding is that the Greek word used means "young woman".

No, the Hebrew Scripture uses "young woman", the Greek has the specific
word for virgin in the translation of Isaiah in LXX, as well as the
Nativity stories.

Righto. This would be the mistranslation that I referred to. Spong writes about this in his "Born of a Woman", which I have not read, but which, on
page 76 says:

    Second, and far more damaging to the literalist's view, it must
    be stated that the concept of virginity existed in this text
    only in the Greek translation of the Hebrew. Virginity was not
    present in the Hebrew original. In 1952 when the Revised
    Standard Version of the Bible was released, its translators
    rendered Isaiah 7:14 correctly from the Hebrew text to read,
    "Behold a young woman shall conceive". The translators were not
    being inconsistent, they were translating accurately the text in
    front of them -- Hebrew in the original text of Isaiah, Greek in
    the original text of Matthew.

It goes on from there to discuss the Hebrew words used in Isaiah and
elsewhere for "virgin" and "young woman" and how it was the LXX
translators who layered the concept of virginity onto the Matthew
passage using their interpretation of the Isaiah text.

If you're interested in the passage, but don't want to purchase the
book, you can read it at:

http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0060675233/ ref=sib_vae_pg_76/102-5950953-9022521?% 5Fencoding=UTF8&keywords=translation&p=S02R&twc=2&checkSum=df% 2Fd033WObGP2HmppfrW2doy451kIlkG8SCJvsJ%2Bjk8%3D#reader-page

I came across Spong's (not altogether universally-accepted) ideas
right at the beginning of "Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism",
in which on this topic he says:

    When I became aware that neither the word virgin nor the concept
    of virginity appears in the Hebrew text of Isaiah that Matthew
    quoted to undergird his account of Jesus' virgin birth, I became
    newly aware of the fragile nature of biblical fundamentalism.
    ... I had to face early on in my priestly career the startling
    possibility that the virgin tradition so deep in Christianity
    may well rest on something as fragile as the weak reed of a

This appears on page 16 of that book:

http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0060675187/ ref=sib_vae_pg_16/102-5950953-9022521?%5Fencoding=UTF8&keywords=virgin % 20translation&p=S00X&twc=1&checkSum=QDV875Z4bzaXBbQ8iBXrSFwHUHIupTIsZj1d gfznf2o%3D#reader-page



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