On 11/3/05, Jim Sharkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robert G. Seeberger wrote:
> >Of course, Piller also gave us Voyager, for which there isn't much
> >excuse. But at least he gave us (in my opinion) the best pilot of
> >any of the five Treks, even if subsequently it was all a bit of a
> >mess.
> Quoted for truth. The Voyager pilot was so good, I quivered with
> anticipation of the series. Which, as it turned out, completely
> turned me off Star Trek for many years.

 You liked the Voyager pilot? Its ending really put me off when they
could have used the array to return home but instead Janeway
destroyed it. Not even a consideration of other possibilities, such
as rigging a bomb to destroy the array immediately *after* they use
it to return home. A simple timer would do. But no. The obvious
contrivance just bugged me.

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