At 10:26 AM Wednesday 11/9/2005, Robert G. Seeberger wrote:

If subatomic particles had personalities, neutrinos would be the
ultimate wallflowers. One of the most basic particles of matter in the
universe, they've been around for 14 billion years and permeate every
inch of space, but they're so inconceivably tiny that they've been
called "almost nothing" and pass straight through things - for
example, the Earth - without a bump.
So it's easy to see why no one thought they existed until the 1930s,
and why it wasn't until the 1950s that scientists were finally able to
confirm their inconspicuous presence. It's also easy to see why their
masses, once believed to be zero, remain so elusive, but could help
unlock the universe's mysteries on everything from dark matter to the
births of galaxies.

With a Precision Measurement Grant from the National Institute of
Standards and Technology that will provide up to $150,000 in funding
over three years, Florida State University research physicist Edmund
G. Myers, in Tallahassee, Fla., and student researchers hope to meet
part of that challenge by measuring the precise difference in mass of
tritium, a form of hydrogen, and helium-3 atoms. This will help pin
down the mass of the electron neutrino.

To make such a measurement, Myers will use the state-of-the-art
Penning trap that he brought to FSU from the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology in 2003. It's arguably the most precise equipment made
for the purpose of determining atomic mass.

"With neutrino mass, the game is to keep lowering the upper limit
until you find it," Myers said.

Right now, that ceiling is around 2 electron Volts (eV). Myers' work,
combined with results from other experiments, could drop this by a
factor of at least 10, to 0.2 eV or even lower. By comparison, an
electron, which is probably the lightest commonly known subatomic
particle, has a mass of 511,000 eV.

Myers was one of two recipients of this year's Precision Measurement
Grants, which the National Institute of Standards and Technology has
been awarding since 1970. Among the 34 applications, Myers' research
stood out because it so snugly fit the institute's mission to support
physics research at the most fundamental level, said Peter Mohr, the
institute's grant program manager.

"What he's doing is very precise measurements," Mohr said. "The
results are very important."


I'm having a bit of trouble envisioning how voltage is equivalent to

I'm guessing that voltage in the electrical sense is not exactly the
same as eV in the electron sense, or is it?

Voltage is electrical pressure. Is eV the pressure an electron exerts
on its environment?

An electron volt is a unit of *energy*: the amount of energy imparted to an electron when it moves through a potential difference of one volt.

By Einstein's equation E=mc^2, mass and energy are equivalent. The mass of an electron is equivalent to about 511 thousand electron volts worth or energy. So, rather than calling it 9.1×10^-31 kilograms, physicists especially in the atomic and nuclear field say that the mass of an electron is "511 keV" or "0.511 Mev," both because (1) it is shorter and simpler than carrying along that big negative exponent on the mass in kilograms and (2) it relates the mass-equivalent of a particle to the amount of energy the particle receives when accelerated through a voltage in the laboratory (or in nature, or by the electron gun in a TV picture tube or the like), which for a light particle such as an electron can easily be comparable to or even greater than the energy equivalent of its mass. It also makes it easier when dealing with annihilation reactions and pair production: the mass of an electron or positron is 0.511 MeV, and so the spectrum of a positron emitter shows a peak at that energy due to the gamma rays produced when the positrons emitted by the decay of the radioactive substance annihilate with electrons in the surroundings.


I'm A Dummy Maru

Nah, you just haven't spent enough time hanging out in unclear physics labs . . .

Or Maybe You Already Have A Life Maru

--Ronn!  :)

"Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country and two words have been added to the pledge of Allegiance... UNDER GOD. Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that is a prayer and that would be eliminated from schools too?"
   -- Red Skelton


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