
According to Tactical Peak at Democratid Underground, indicted traitor,
I. Lewis Libby's bestiality opus The Apprentice, was subsidized by the
National Endowment for the Arts. 

Publication of this volume is made possible in part by a grant provided
by the Minnesota State Arts Board through an appropriation by the
Minnesota State Legislature, and by a grant from the National Endowment
for the Arts. Significant additional support has been provided by the
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund, the
McKnight Foundation, and other generous contributions from foundations,
corporations, and individuals. Graywolf Press is a member agency of
United Arts, Saint Paul. To these organizations and individuals who
make our work possible, we offer heartfelt thanks.

Notice that Libby also got financial support from Scaife money and
Reader's Digest, meaning that not only did taxpayer money support this,
but preachy right-wingers as well. 

For those of you unaware of Libby's Onastic fantasies, they revolve
around little girls copulating with bears, incest, lebianism, and men
pondering copulating with a dead deer (Wow! Bestiality AND necrophilia.
And they call liberals perverts). 


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