Dan Minette wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
> Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 4:28 PM
> Subject: Re: They've cloned the president
>> The Fool wrote:
>>>> From: Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> Nick Arnett wrote:
>>>>> 'Rumsfeld went on to say that "very little support went to Jack
>>>>> Murtha" after the congressman spoke out last week. "The 
>>>>> Democrats
>>>>> didn't step up and support it, and Republicans didn't step up 
>>>>> and
>>>>> support it. I think it's important for our troops to know 
>>>>> that."'
>>>> *That* is a lie of Orwellian proportions. And the fact that it 
>>>> goes
>>>> unchallanged by the paper reporting it is telling.
>>>> People, you know times are bad when you have to go out of the
>>>> country
>>>> or into the Blogosphere to get accurate news.
>>> You're just now figuring that out?  I coulda swore I harped on 
>>> this
>>> quite a bit a few years ago.
>> No, I've just been in denial.
> Well, Clinton and Kerry have just public disagreed with Murtha. 
> And,
> Murtha himself said he asked the liberal Democrats to let his
> statement stand on it's own....because he felt that it would be much
> harder to brand it as a liberal weakness if it was given by a well
> known hawk.

For what it is worth, I disagree with Murtha, I think it would be a 
mistake to leave [not immediately, but too soon]. But I do want us out 
of Iraq as soon as feasable and I want OBL dead. (Have you heard that 
Zaqawri might be dead? Any news there?)

>Given the fact that he was repeatedly called a hawk in
> the reports I've seen; and given the fact that the president and VP
> both had to pull back due to political pressures, I don't see how 
> one
> paints the mainstream news as conservative here.

That is not my point at all. I'm not sure how to paint the media, 
unless I'm painting them as butt kissing suckasses. Let me give you a 

(Dick C commenting on Jean Schmidts speech in the House)
Dick C: Well, she wasn't directing her comments at Murpha.

News: Oh

Dick C: blah blah blah blah blah

In this example Dick C tells an outrageous lie and the newsperson does 
not call him on it. I've noticed (and I am not alone in this) that 
this is the pattern of the day. Any administration official can twist 
the truth, deny the truth, or make something up of whole cloth, and 
the news media will not challenge them in the least.
Maybe everyone is getting a pass, I have not seen that myself, but it 
is still wrong for the news media to conveniently forget the news they 
have previously reported.

The institution of Journalism is letting us down.

>  In Blogspace, one
> typically gets partisan rants from the left and right.  I take them
> with even a bigger grain of salt than I do mainstream media.

Sure, that's why it is important to read liberals *and* conservatives 
and then scan for content, and then scan for BS.
It is also helpful to use an RSS reader and get tons of headlines and 
then read as much as one can.
Mainly I'm pissed at the American news media. I am sickened by the 
cut'n'paste reporting we have gotten used to and the lack of critical 
thinking we are subjected to.
You might say that what I'm seeing and complaining about is similar to 
using the Bible to prove the accuracy of the Bible. That dog won't 
hunt for me!<G>

Dan, I've seen you make a case that the administration used the best 
info they had not knowing that it was faulty. I respect your argument 
but cannot agree with it. You and I and many of the rest of us have 
read many many news articles over the last 3 - 4 years. There is just 
too many accusations and too much circumstantial evidence that points 
to Bushco having planned the war in advance. The same accusations keep 
coming back around, each time with more and more evidence to back 
them. (Curveball is a good example, I first heard this story months 
before the war started albeit in a more trunicated form)

 Your arguments have been influential with me as have Brad DeLong, 
Juan Cole, Matthew Yglesias, James Wolcott, Oliver Willis, Duncan 
Black, Max Sawicky, Glenn Reynolds, Markos Zuniga and several others 
who refrain from frothing at the mouth.
I've been pointed to news I would have never found on my own (A lot 
like on the list but even more so).

Personally, the benefit has for the most part leaked out of my doubts, 
and I am back to the "Cherry Picking" argument square. At least that 
is where I am today based on the things I have read. There is always a 
chance I might change my mind again. I'm open to it.......actually I'd 
love to have reason to feel less cynical. It isn't a good feeling at 
all. I'd much prefer to feel righteous or even self righteous. But I 
don't see things improving substantially til 2008.

Pray For Us Maru


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