This is from a blog<G>, so they are probably just making this all up 
as they go.......

On Friday, freshman Republican Rep. "Mean Jean" Schmidt mounted one of 
the fiercest, most personal assaults Congress has witnessed since 
Preston Brooks caned Charles Sumner to a bloody pulp in 1856. The 
target of Schmidt's attack was Rep. John Murtha, a Vietnam vet who had 
just introduced a resolution calling for a withdrawal of US troops 
from Iraq within 6 months (which included several measures designed to 
ensure regional stability upon pullout).

"A few minutes ago I received a call from Colonel Danny Bubp, Ohio 
Representative from the 88th district in the House of Representatives. 
He asked me to send Congress a message: Stay the course," Schmidt 
declared from her lectern. "He also asked me to send Congressman 
Murtha a message, that cowards cut and run, Marines never do."

By employing Bubp, a Marine reservist, as her surrogate attack dog, 
Schmidt sought to give the impression that the military rank-and-file 
overwhelmingly deplored Murtha's resolution. Murtha may have been a 
Marine a long, long time ago, but he doesn't understand the harsh 
realities of the post-9/11 world. But that tough-talking paragon of 
the modern warrior, Colonel Danny Bubp, whoever he is, sure as hell 
does. Or so Schmidt would have us believe.

A quick glance at Bubp's background reveals him to be a low-level 
right-wing operative who has spent more time in the past ten years 
engaged in symbolic Christian right crusades than he has battling 
terrorist evil-doers. And throughout his career, Bubp's destiny has 
been inextricably linked with Schmidt's. Bubp may be a Marine, but his 
view of Murtha as a "coward" is colored by naked political ambition. 
He is nothing more than cheap camouflage cover for the GOP's latest 
Swift-Boat campaign.

March 1999 marked the beginning of a brilliant career. It was then 
that Bubp became pro-bono legal counsel for Adams County for the Ten 
Commandments, an ad-hoc Ohio group formed to keep 10 Commandments 
monuments displayed in local public schools after the ACLU filed a 
lawsuit demanding their removal. Bubp was assisted by a Who's Who of 
Christian right leaders, including James Dobson, Don Wildmon, Judge 
Roy Moore and Jay Sekulow. The campaign was organized primarily by 
Rev. Rob Schenck, a former leader of the militant anti-abortion group 
Operation Rescue, who was once detained for threating Bill Clinton's 
afterlife at the National Cathedral. (Read my profile of Schenck for 
the Washington Monthly for the full story on this, and many more 
bizarre stunts).

When the monuments' removal seemed imminent by 2003, Bubp nevertheless 
declared, "We've already won." Thanks to Schenck, he was able to help 
distribute 600 yard signs reading "We Stand For The Ten Commandments" 
throughout Adams County. And the devoted network of activists formed 
during the 8-year-long struggle would toil on his behalf when he ran 
for the Ohio legislature in 2004.

Bubp was elected despite a successful legal maneuver by his former 
primary challenger to unseal his divorce file. Bubp fought 
tooth-and-nail to keep these records in the dark because, according to 
the Ohio Society of Professional Journalists, "the file does contain 
sensitive tax and personal information he'd just as soon keep 
private." Whatever information emerged was overlooked by a local press 
focused on national races.

During the campaign, Bubp still found time to help his friend, 
Schmidt, who was struggling to counter the momentum of her Democratic 
challenger, Iraq war veteran Paul Hackett. At a Schmidt rally falsely 
billed as an event to honor war veterans, Bubp appeared in full Marine 
battle dress uniform to attack Hackett for criticizing his "Commander 
in Chief." " "I served for eight years under a president who loathed 
the military," Bubp said, referring to Clinton. "But we never said a 
word about it."

Now in the Ohio legislature, and back in his usual three-piece suit, 
Bubp has teamed up once again with Schmidt, this time to save the 
Pledge of Allegiance from "liberal activist judges." Bubp is the 
author of the Pledge Protection Act, which would ensure that public 
schoolchildren include the phrase "under God" in their daily 
recitation of the pledge, no matter what the comsymp one-worlders at 
the ACLU do. This month, at Bubp's behest, Schmidt introduced the bill 
in Congress.

"I am firmly convinced that our forefathers would believe it evil for 
anyone to try to strike the name of God from all things public," Bubp 
declared in an editorial promoting the bill. Not only does Bubp 
understand the psychology of cowards, he has special insight into the 
religious beliefs of "our forefathers."

Bubp and Schmidt were honored this month by the Rev. Rob Schenck with 
the "Ten Commandments Leadership Award." Presented with personalized 
10 Commandments plaques by a man who once attempted to hand an aborted 
fetus to Bill Clinton, they became decorated veterans of the right's 
culture war.

But in assailing the character of John Murtha, who was honored for 
actual combat experience with the Purple Heart, Bubp and Schmidt were 
unfaithful to the words inscribed on the monuments they so revere. So 
for them, here is a reminder: Thou shalt not bear false witness.


Think you are going to find this in a newspaper or on CNN?


Who Do You Trust? Maru



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