Alberto Monteiro wrote:
Robert Seeberger wrote:
Purportedly, the terrorists hate us for our freedoms. But we have
no problem doing to ourselves what terrorist would not be able
to do, and doing unto innocent Moslems what we fear they
might do to us.
It seems that I am reading "The Sound of His Wings"...
You will have to explain that to me. I come away completely clueless

"The Sound of His Wings" is Heinlein's _unwritten_ story [or should I
say history?] about the rise of Nehemiah Scudder.

I've always had the damnedest time not bringing up Nehemiah Scudder when talking about politics lately. Luckily for us G. W. Bush doesn't have the Minister's charisma and charm that Scudder could exude.

The one redeeming thing, at least, is that in all of Heinlein's major timelines where Scudder appeared the response a few years/decades later (often thanks to the Masons, interestingly enough) was Political Left, and a sometimes very hard left (the "For Us, The Living" timeline went semi-Socialist (full blown Social Credit for anyone who loves US-historical political parties)).

Heinlein realized that the stupid populace might just vote for some rabid moron, but also realized that in Democracy there is always a second chance. (Even if you have to, as Thomas Jefferson realized, once and while bathe democracy in bloody revolt.)

--Max Battcher--
"History bleeds for tomorrow / for us to realize and never more follow blind" --Machinae Supremacy, Deus Ex Machinae, Title Track

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