Richard Baker wrote:
> Rob said:
>> If someone finds a dumpster jarring in a scene on 
>> "pretend-Caprica",
>> yet is not jarred by vehicles, asphalt, and average everyday
>> warehouses also seen in the background, then ones
>> suspension-of-disbelief is awfully selective.
> While we're at it, can't we have them all speaking Caprican (or
> whatever) with English subtitles?

Further, they have been seperated from us for long enough for there to 
be distinct ethniciation. Where are their ethnics that are distinct 
from Earths ethnics?

Perhaps there has been time for race derivation. Why are there none of 
(Is 50,000 years long enough to produce distinct differences in 
populations that are visibly noticeable? I think the evidence from 
animal husbandry and pet husbandry<G> would say yes, but that is from 
*directed* breeding. Would such distinctions arise from more random 
patterns of breeding?)

Time For Changes Maru


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