Dave Land wrote:
On Nov 30, 2005, at 11:30 AM, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

The only problem with that suggestion is that it's people who feel like you do who believe in gun control, while it's the conservatives and the Christians who have all the firearms . . . :P

Not all Christians are fundamentalists. They're just the noisiest flavor of Christian on the market today.

I am a Christian. I own no guns, don't want to and favor reasonable restrictions on them.

I was going to say, I know plenty of agnostics, atheists and pagans that talk about getting a small group together to go to the firing range, and discussions about the merits of each local firing range ensue, and there's no ONE firing range that's great for everything. (When I want to learn to shoot, I think I want Jerry (very areligious, but respectful of everyone's right to be religious, if that's their choice) to take me to Red's.)


who lives in a neighborhood where more than half the homes have guns, or at least extrapolation from the known sample would indicate that, and as long as nobody is getting drunk and then firing them, she's fine with that

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