Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
At 01:16 PM Sunday 12/4/2005, Gary Nunn wrote:

are these people thinking when they bring young children to shop for others
and then are mean and nasty to the kids because they naturally want toys
that they see?

Maybe they could not find a baby sitter (perhaps 'cuz everyone else they could call also wanted to be at Wal-Mart at 0500) and so had to bring the kids with them.

Hm. My kids' daddy doesn't WANT to be at Wal-Mart on that day. (Neither do I, come to think of it.) So if I really want to be at Wal-Mart the minute it opens, gee, I can leave the kids at home with him.

Are some of these parents divorced?

(Also, who gets a kid up that early anyway? You don't want to ENCOURAGE them to be up at 4AM!)

Naturally, my daughter wants one of the special edition Nintendo DS games,
but there was NO WAY that I was going to join the feeding frenzy and act
like an idiot. My son's mom (my daughter and son have different moms) , who makes sure her kids always have the latest and greatest, paid almost twice
the price by buying the game and cartridge separately. She paid over $100
for the game cartridge on eBay. The game itself was a limited edition color
and the cartridge was only available in the "Special Limited Edition"
bundle, and was being sold on eBay by people who bought the game, but didn't want the cartridge. Saying that I am astounded would be an understatement.

Several years ago when "Tickle Me Elmo" was the hot, impossible-to-find item, I responded by getting one of the little 5-inch-or-so-high Elmos, tying a noose around its neck, and hanging it from the post my mailbox is attached to with a sign that said "TICKLE THIS!" pinned to its chest as part of my holiday decorations . . . (I suppose it may still be in a bag somewhere with other decorations where I put them after taking them down.)

Heh. I sold a used one for $5 a couple of months ago. (Elmo gets annoying after awhile. They've managed to break the "Hokey Pokey Elmo". Unfortunately, what broke wasn't the part that controls the singing.)

(Haven't figured out a way to do anything similar with an Xbox . . . at least not for a financial outlay comparable to that of the miniature Elmo . . .)

If you had the use of one for an afternoon, to take measurements, you could probably make a decent mock-up out of cardboard, masking tape and paint, couldn't you?


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