From: Andrew Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> From Julia Thompson
> >>
> >>He probably *is* serious.  (If Andrew could provide the URL I might
> > 
> > be
> > 
> >>able to check out the site and get a better idea of whether or not
> > 
> > it's
> > 
> >>serious or satire.)
> >>
> >>There's lots of awful stuff being said and done in the name of 
> >>"Christianity".
> > 
> > 
> > He Did:
> > <<>>
> Missed it.  Thanks!  I'll peruse it after the kids have gone 
> to bed (i.e., in 3-3.5 hours).

I think that's best, such things are clearly not kid safe.

Hey, I wonder if you can get a religious filter for web-sites, a kind
NetLeftyUncle or something.

Liberals don't belive in filtering.  Information _wants_ to be free.

And Nick, I know its not the word of God, but it is put around as such,
and that's why if people ask me am I a Christian, I have to think very
carefully about my answer, coos if that's Christianity, then I ain't.

The best part of the site was reading
them getting stuck into other religions, Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah's
Witness's and going on about what a lot of claptrap these people talk
and how could any idiot believe a word of their rubbish cos it is so
transparently wrong...

E.g. after reading pages about how the KJV bible was NOT a translation,
it was the ETERNAL and LITERAL word of GOD EXACTLY as HE wanted it to
read and exactly as HE spoke it (unlike the RKJV which should burn in
hell) they "proved" that Mormonism was fake because:

I told you guys there were KJonlists...

But actually the 'King James Version' has been edited several times. 
It's not actually the same version as what King James  had Authorized.

"The Book of Mormon contains many plagiarisms of the King James English
(at least 25,000 words). This is strange since the plates were supposed
to have been in the ground many centuries before the King James Bible
was completed in 1611!"

The 1John 'Trinity' verse is an error that entered into the KJV because
of a forgery.  The BOM quotes this verse.  So yes the BOM DOES
plagiarize the 'Authorized Version".  


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