> From: Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: "Dave Land" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > >> It may have had something to do with a small cadre of
> > >> greedy bastards who manipulated the system for their benefit.
> But, they didn't manipulate the system for their personal benefit. If
> did, they would have lived rich. They manipulated the system to
> their ideal.  Unfortunately, their ideal ran against the reality of
> centrally controlled economies.

>...the inefficiencies destroy wealth.

Short of devaluation from inflation and actual physical destruction
money (as opposed to physical good or 'wealth') isn't destroyed.  Money
flows through an economy passing from entity to entity or it is hoarded
by an entity (physically under the mattres, or in a bank which reloans
it at interest).  I see that you believe that when some money flows to
some entities (regardless of the value of the exchange) that 'wealth'
(money) is 'destroyed'.  Perhaps if the 'wealth' flowed to rich or
state entities you could call that wealth 'destoyed', but 'wealth' that
flows to and through the general populace is likely not 'destroyed' at

> The Soviet economy went backwards because centrally planned economies
> notoriously inefficient.  Inefficient means that more money goes down
> toilet.
> Let me ask a question from another post.  You argued that two jobs
> lost for every job created when Wal-Mart comes into a town. Doesn't
> mean that Wal-Mart needs only half the people to do the same amount
> work?  Are you arguing that featherbedding is a good idea?

Lets extend this out thirty or so years.  Eventually their will be
relitively few jobs that humans would be able to do that technology
wouldn't be able to do better and cheaper.  With unemployment reaching
into the high ninties, very little 'wealth' will flow through the
economy at all.  Noone would be able to buy the things that the economy
produced except the rich.  What need would there be for those people


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