Jim Sharkey wrote:
William T Goodall wrote:

Max Battcher wrote:

Last time I saw anything: 75-80% total, 50% or less of the Server
market, 50% or less of the "nerd" market.

Whatever the peak was it's certainly in decline now.

Yeah, Gates is letting his guard slip with all that sissy-ass philanthropy Bono's got him involved in. He's *clearly* lost his evil overlord his edge. :)

I'm not complaining -- some of that money is coming to near me.

Of course, between Dell Computers and Michael & Susan Dell, we get a fair bit of computer-money philanthropy in the area anyway. :) I think the Dell name is going onto at least a wing of the new children's hospital that's being built in Austin. I'm sure a bunch of the equipment in it will be Dell stuff, as well; they were using Dell equipment for Tommy's upper GI series a little over a year ago at the existing children's hospital.



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