Maru Dubshinki wrote:
On 12/24/05, Deborah Harrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Political correctness past moderation!

So, hope your Solstice was Soulful, and Merry
Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kool Kwanzaa, and
Delightful Diwali (although that's a bit late, I

I just finished a costumed Christmas ride, Renaissance
dress for me and bells for Darby.  Fun!  Last night I
decorated the tree (cut on the property), and earlier
in the week I made rolled-and-cut sugar cookies (*no,*
not from a tube; from scratch!).  Got a few presents
to wrap yet, and part of tomorrow's dinner to start...

Bashir The Cat Thinks The Tree Is For His Pleasure Maru

What? No "Nice Newtonmas?  Or what about
our Flying Spaghetti Monsterism brethren?
And as always, those poor Discordian people
are totally neglected. I expected better of you.

OK, I'm a little fuzzy on the whole Pastafarianism thing.

What, besides September 19, is considered a holy day for the followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?



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