The following is a post that pretty much sizes up the state of 
blogland in Q1 2006.

After reading Jim Wolcott's beatdown of the folks at Ass Clown Media, 
I started to wonder who these people are and what bothered me about 
their approach to politics.

Then I thought back to high school and realized that all of the 
proto-Republicans were guys, nerds, who were physically slight, not 
fat, and had even less hope of getting laid than I and my friends did.

They weren't popular or funny or even pleasant to be around. They 
were, for lack of a better word, schmucks.

Now, years later, these guys like the NRO staff, talk tougher than a 
room of SEALs trying to impress Vegas showgirls. They want to hang and 
kill traitors, confront liberals. Now, I laugh, because I'd bet that 
these people haven't ever been in a fist fight in their lives. I mean, 
Jonah Goldberg went to a girl's college for God's sake, and couldn't 
get laid there. In fact, if you asked, they'd probably find him 
repellent. He probably didn't even make female friends.

LGF is a collection of losers, the creepy guys at work, the people in 
the Star Trek club, the guys who can't get a date, even on 
The ones that call themselves nice guys and talk about women as if the 
Handmaid's Tale was a liberal treatise, who worship at the alter of 
Kim Du Toit. They vent their anger online.

As a black guy, you learn to size these folks up quickly. They may 
whisper nigger under their breath, but when confronted, they run like 
little girls. You know they're punks.

Fumento, who was just busted by Scripps Howard for taking payola from 
Monsanto, is one of those guys. He talks sneeringly of Wolcott, 
knowing if Jim even looked at him hard, he'd piss his pants.

These guys are conflicted. They don't have any personal courage. They 
know they're suppsoed to, but they cringe at the idea of 
confrontation. But they create this image of machismo which makes 
people laugh.

Ever seen a Freeper rally? You could wet one with a few water 
balloons. No, Freeperland is for the frustrated Wal-Mart manager with 
the cheating wife and fat kids. He rails against the world. LGF is the 
junior loser version.

Instead of sucking up to the jocks, they want to suck up to people in 
power. So they worship Bush, not because they agree with him, but 
because they need that power in their powerless life. They feel 
stomped on by everyone, but they feel like big men online or in their 
little chickenhawk rallies.

They think liberals are these weed smoking 1960's rejects and who 
cringe at any possible physical confrontation. Come on, Ann Coulter 
cries when people toss shit at her, Goldberg? Stupid fat coward. If 
you slapped him in the face, he'd run like the punk bitch that he is. 
He's too goddamn stupid to avoid confronting Wolcott and Juan Cole and 
being humiliated in the process.
The women are even worse. Ann Althouse is comically foolish and 
gutless as well. Malkin, besides being a racist, has been accused of 
having her husband write her incomprenshible columns. Atlas Shrugged, 
besides rubbing her tits on losers like Glenn Reynolds, also writes 
badly and filled with hate. You know, I don't like Muslim terrorists 
either, but I certainly don't want to kill a bunch of kids to make me 
feel better.

LaShawn Barber? I feel for her. The boys at Ass Clown Media totally 
disrespected her, and she still thinks she's part of the team. Sure, 
if they need a maid. Look, you can be black and a Christian, but once 
you join their side, they will treat you like vermin.

Then there is the group I called the shit scared cowards, Dennis 
Miller, Roger L. Simon, Tammy Bruce. They were liberals when it was 
cool, then switched teams, thinking that would be cool. Their reason, 
fear of a brown planet. Only problem, it wasn't cool, and their former 
friends now mock them. They have to embrace the failed president and 
his reactionary ideas because there is nowhere else to go. They 
bluster, but will not confront liberals because they can't.

They shake and bluster and run their mouths, but that's it.

Peter Daou has a long piece on how blogs should work better with the 
Dems, but many liberals miss the point. On our side of the fence, we 
mobilize support, raise money and get the attention of the media and 
deal with the Dems on our terms. The right sees bloggers as junior 
partners, to do what they are told without question. We want to be 
seen as equals. Personally, I can live without central direction from 
the party.

But the point is that we fit in to the political world in different 

The difference is simple, while the right wails and whines about Daily 
Kos, they can't reproduce it, they can't tolerate disagreements while 
working for a common cause. They get angry when people don't go along 
with them. Notice the lack of comments and frequent bannings. Because 
their egos can't handle it. They suffer from a case of fragile ego 

Which is why so many freaked out over Brokeback Mountain. The idea of 
two gay cowboys posed a challenge to their own sense of machismo. I 
mean, I'm not going to see it because I don't see love stories and Jen 
likes sci-fi. Not an issue. But to NRO, you would have thought it was 
gay recruitment time from their reaction.

So all they can do is imagine the Turner Diaries coming to life , 
killing liberals instead of blacks, hanging them from the street 
lamps. Of course, that just feeds into their fantasies of omnipotence, 
imagining swatting their boss with a +9 power sword, as they do in an 
MMO or conquering imaginary Muslim foes like they do in Rainbow Six, 
when in reality, they're Melvin, the guy who eats tuna at his desk at 

Cuiusvis hominis est errare; nullius nisi insipientis in errore 
perseverare  Maru


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