It's an interview with Mark Crispin Miller, an author who wrote a book on the stealing of the 2004 election.

I thought this would interest you, and it might interest others here.

This paragraph in particular made me think you'd be interested:

    So the appointment of those two party agents to the FEC is an
    especially brazen example of the Busheviks' subversion of American
    democracy. Of course, the right would say, and probably has said, that
    such a move is merely a pre-emptive strike against those evil liberals
    who would stack the FEC to further their nefarious agenda. But that
    would merely be the usual projective nonsense. Bush/Cheney's moves
    against the FEC are moves against the possibility of real American
    democracy. In this they are identical to the regime's deliberate
    placement of religious maniacs and corporate goons atop the entire
    edifice of federal power-slash-and-burn types running the Department
    of Interior and EPA, creationists and anti-sex fanatics running
    scientific agencies, and so on. Such flagrant strokes against the
    public interest are not motivated just by greed alone, but by a deeper
    animus against democracy itself - or, to be more accurate, against the
    whole program of the Enlightenment.

It goes on from there. This is just part 1 of an interview; the second part will be forthcoming at some point.



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