At 08:39 AM 2/1/2006, Gary Nunn said something remarkably like (but somehow subtly different from):

I find it ironic, that on the same news page as Sheehan's arrest story, is a
link to a Bush quote from his State of the Union address:

Bush: 'We Will Act Boldly in Freedom's Cause'

I guess that freedom doesn't extend to grieving mothers with an opinion.....

Police Remove Protester Cindy Sheehan From State of the Union Address for
Wearing Anti-War T-Shirt

She should have expected it. The crime of lese majeste always carries stiff penalties.

Kevin B. O'Brien         TANSTAAFL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux User #333216
"Military justice is to justice what military music is to music."
-- Georges Clemenceau

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