Jim Sharkey wrote:
> After finishing up GURPS Uplift, I took another look at _Contacting
> Aliens_.  And while it was fun to read again and check out the pics, 
> etc., and it's cool how it's laid out like a "how to" book for 
> Terragens agents dealing with Galactics, I noticed a substantial 
> number of what *appear* to be major editing errors in terms of what 
> happened when and to whom.
Yes, this was a problem. The reason was that the book was _initially_
made with a much longer lifespan for each race [with races living
for hundreds of millions, or even thousands of millions of years],
but this would somehow impact on events of c.150 M years ago
[if you have read Heaven's Reach you know which :-)], for with
races so old those events would not be obscured.

Heaven's Reach is explicit in the mention that most races
"live" about 1 million years, then pass to the Retired Order.
Races that live much longer [like the Thenanin, 30 My] should
be the exception, not the rule.

Also, races that do more than _one_ Uplift should be the exception,
not the rule [unless you count Uplift-consorting], otherwise
there would be too many races with _no_ Clients!

The "refitting" of CA to the new timeline was not complete,
so we have some "paradoxes" :-)

> So I was wondering if you guys thought that was purposeful.  That 
> is, was it written in such a way as to reflect the spotty data 
> available to Earthclan due to its substandard libraries and 
> inexperience, or if the book just wasn't run past our Uplift 
> timeline gurus such as Alberto for a thorough vetting.
I don't remember exactly what I reviewed, but it was basically
in the "main timeline", that had been based on GURPS 1st Edition
[contradicting the explicit year of Sundiver given in the book].

Both CA and GU 2nd Ed have correct Sundiver - and all dates that
follow - in agreement with the Canon, except for minor adjustments.

Alberto Monteiro, commander of the TimeLine Legions of Terror


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