On Mar 19, 2006, at 4:54 AM, Horn, John wrote:

Why the print server? There are many printers now that sit
directly on the network, HP make a couple with ethernet
support (set one up for my other half's folks last week). Or
get a router with the print server if you really need one.
Netgear do a wireless router with print server. That way, the
NAS can be a simple one that just does the one thing.

Primarily because I already have a printer that doesn't have that
option and I have a router that doesn't have a built in print
server.  As I need more storage space I am hoping to kill a couple
of birds at the same time.

Sure. I know you're looking at the more "elegant" solution, but it may be easier and less expensive to get the NAS without print server and change either the printer or the router.

Anyway, assuming you're looking at around 100 - 150Gb external storage to start with, try this:

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00009X6PS/103-4060112-4003023? v=glance&n=172282

I'm tired of having to have one of my computers on just to print.

That I understand.

Also, it opens all sorts of potential security holes...

Shouldn't do, if your NAT router is set up correctly. But anyway. Hope the above link helps!


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