Hi folks. Sorry to have been neglecting brinellers. Here's an update about some of the nonfiction projects I have been up to.

Several announcements about some groundbreaking essays and articles now available online...

*** The innovative online publishing venture Amazon Shorts continues offering my latest (non-political) essays, articles and stories for handy download (like iPod music files) at trivial cost.

My latest "short" presents deep and wide perspectives on the topic of "human transformation" in Singularities and Nightmares: The Range of Our Futures . http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000EOU4RQ/qid=1141432792

Another offers a simple exercise to overcome the vile modern habit of cynicism. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000EOU4S0/002-8546631-9915221

Also in the nonfiction category are older pieces on Beleaguered Professionals vs. Disempowered Citizens" about a looming 21st Century power struggle between average people and the sincere, skilled professionals who are paid to protect us. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BUK41Y and http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BY2PRQ

"The Power of Proxy Activism" is about how busy people, although distracted by jobs and daily life, can still help make a better world.

Another offers a controversial solution to the problem of a Mississippi River that's rebelling against human control. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000CDNL3S

Thanks to these articles, Amazon ranked me along with Stuart Woods, David Niall Wilson and James Lee Burke, as one of the top ten short-subject writers of 2005.

(Obviously, many of you have seen early drafts of these essays, on http://davidbrin.blogspot.com/ So? Brag about that and recruit new readers!.... and feel free to give those five star reader reviews ! ;-) Those are the more futurist and apolitical articles. Yet, given the times we live in, can I be forgiven the occasional political rant? (Who, me?)

Take the problem of gerrymanderingg, which I examine from a dozen fresh perspectives, offering ways that citizens might fight back. http://www.davidbrin.com/gerrymandering1.html

- Another re-appraises Newt Gingrich's 1994 Contract With America, considering how this masterful piece of political polemic might be used by the other side. http://www.davidbrin.com/contract.htmlhttp://www.davidbrin.com/contract.html

- Then there's another in my series, analyzing how today's strange movement called neoconservatism is to vastly different from what Americans traditionally called "conservative." (Soon to be posted at http://www.davidbrin.com/ )

- Or consider the decline in US military readiness and why both political parties do not want to talk about it. Whether you agree with my conclusions or not, I promise to be interesting! (For the latter two, wait a week and then see the links at http://www.davidbrin.com/ .)

Of course the gerrymandering article is the one that's time critical! It is primary season in an election year... and the Texas redistricting stands before the US Supreme Court. (I think I raise one particular point that the Supremes may not even have heard argued before them.) In any event, the suggested method of citizen empowerment requires timely action, the next few weeks. For these reasons, please spread the word!

Finally, folks are always welcome to drop in to any of my pages at Amazon.com and leave those wonderful five star reviews! Hey, every little thing helps ;-)

May we all thrive and endure... and prove our citizenship... in dangerous times.

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