-----Original Message-----
To: brin-l@mccmedia.com
Sent: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 13:00:54 -0700
Subject: Re: Study: Cell-Phone Radiation Affects/ Ten Year Anniversary/Nesty 

Dr Bob Wrote:

> I am just very skeptical of all this. The radiation from a cell phone is very
> weak and it has to penetrate the skin skull (some of us have thicker skulls
> than others). 

Does this mean I can tell my daughter that well-known Cornell Radiologist is
skeptical that her Bluetooth enabled headset will cause brain damage??  She
sometimes listens to her alternative care providers a little too much.
Sheesh!  She has a bachelors in biology -- you think she'd know how to read
the research, eh?

Skepticsm is the key. That does not mean that some effects are not possible but 
with something like this you \
need to look at the physics to understand whether there is enough energy to due 
harm to cells. I don't think 
so but if someone can show a way for this to  happen then so be it. It is kind 
of the same with all 
sorts of paranormal phenomena. The physicist who wrote "The Physics of Star 
Trek" (Krauss I think) pointed out 
that teleportation requires the outlay of energy. Whether you pick up a chair 
with your hands or your mind
you have to use a certain amount of kinetic energy to lift the chair against 
gravity. This energy is converted
into potential energy. If you lifted a chair with your mind you have still 
created the same potential 
energy (if you drop the chair it falls and crashes) and therefore since there 
must be conservation of 
energy telekinesis must use energy. This should be measurable and there should 
be brain structures that
do the work. I think the same sort of reasoning must make us skeptical of cell 
phone causing damage. 
And thanks, Steve, for re-publishing that early stuff.  It's nice to read
what we used to talk about.  Wasn't Stuart in med school?  He's probably a
specialist in something by now.  I was a later joiner,  July of '96 I think.

My advice for the nesty birds would be to wear protective gear or get your
mail at night!  You gotta love the tenacity of the little imps, though!
Would you attack a giant who got close to your nest?


Jo Anne


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