Horn, John wrote:
On Behalf Of Julia Thompson

An essay criticizing skeptics is torn apart here:


And the first commenter is James Randi.  So I just had to share.

A very interesting article.  Even more interesting, for me, was the
site itself.  My daughter was just diagnosed with Asperger's
Syndrome and ADHD (inattentive type).  I know there are (or were)
some on this list with AS or ADHD.  Any recommended sites out there
for a Mom and Dad struggling to put some order into all this chaos?

 - jmh

If you're looking for blogs that might be of help, check out http://www.autism-hub.co.uk/ ; I can list the ones I'm a particular fan of, if that would help. The Aspie Dad one might be of particular interest to you; very few entries so far, and just joined Autism Hub, but looks promising. (I'll give it a solid thumbs-up when there are another 10 posts or so, probably, but it's not on my "greatest hits" list yet. Yet.)

If you're on LiveJournal, reading the stuff in the asperger community might be somewhat helpful, every now and again there's a book recommendation. (Posting is open only to members, and unless you're on the spectrum yourself, the mods are going to look very hard at your request to join. I can dig up some of the book recommendations if queried; I can tell you that http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0060934883/ was recommended at some point, anyway, and sometimes books are seriously UN-recommended, which can be useful information, as well.) asd_families might be helpful. The community autism might be helpful, as well. (Just going in and reading a couple months' worth of public posts could help, even if you're not into LJ.)

Jannalou who comments on some of the autism hub blogs has her own blog, and that might be a good blog to look at. If you need for me to track down that blog, I can.

If I think of anything else later, I'll post it.


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