Guys - change the subject line?

From: "Alberto Monteiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <>
To: Killer Bs Discussion <>
Subject: RE: Myers-Briggs
Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 10:29:37 -0200

Andrew Paul wrote:
>>> Marxist (...) is now considered fairly well discredited.
>> But not in South America :-(
> No, in fact it seems to be growing in popularity.
In Australia too? That's surprising.

> Who discredited Marxism?
Communism :-)

> It's out of favour for sure, but when was the official
> accreditation lost?
1989, the collapse of the Berlin Wall.

> And are we talking Marxism here, or the more general communism?
Communism, Socialism, and other flavours.

Alberto Monteiro



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