The acting was bad, the plot had some major holes,
some of the science was more-than-iffy - but it was
interesting to watch, and if it made people think
ahead just a little bit, that might actually be
...ABC's Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America is
fiction. It presents a worst-of-worst-cases scenario
of what might happen in a pandemic of deadly, highly
contagious bird flu.

Could what happens in the movie really take place?
Laurie Garrett, senior fellow for global health at the
Council of Foreign Relations, was a script consultant
for the movie (at her request, her name does not
appear in the movie credits). She's seen an advance

"The film is very grim. But I don't think it is
sensationalistic," Garrett tells WebMD. "I didn't
think they exaggerated, but it is a worst-case
scenario. A virulent, highly contagious flu comes to
America. There is no viable vaccine on tap. The drugs
have limited or no efficacy. There are shortages of
essential supplies and goods that become acute later
in the epidemic..."

who has ~ 2 weeks worth of food on-hand, and could
probably hold out for 4 if necessary (but would likely
end up working at a temp hospital if a true pandemic occurred)

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