From "Mainstream Baptist", a blog from the president of the Oklahoma chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State:

    Poll: 45% want 9-11 Reinvestigated

    A Zogby Poll indicates that 45% of Americans would like Congress
    or an International Tribunal to re-investigate the 9-11 attacks
    on the World Trade Center. Here's a quote:

        Poll sponsors see knowledge of the collapse of World Trade
        Center Building 7 [a third tower] as a bellwether issue,
        because if people do not know this elementary fact, they
        have probably not been exposed to any independent 9/11
        research at all. Since only 52% of respondents had ever
        heard of this collapse and 45% support a reinvestigation,
        it may be reasonably inferred that a public fully informed
        of all the unreported 9/11 facts might support a new
        investigation by a margin of 80% or more.

Blog entry:
Zogby Poll:

The more I hear about 9/11, the more I distrust the story we've been
sold. The more I live in George Bush's America, the more I distrust,

Sometimes, I get so fscking angry about this crap that I weep for my
child, who will inherit the mess this idiot has made of our country.



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