> Jo Anne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Debi - Congratulations.  It must be satisfying. 
> Since I only read detail
> here sporadically, what happened to Darby?  And how
> did you acquire Cezanne?  And is she your horse?

Ooh, twist my arm!  ;)

Darby is fine, although slowing down a little (he'd
say he was conserving his energy for when a fiery
display is needed); I ride him regularly, and am
continuing to take dressage lessons with him.
Cezanne is half-mine (the better half, of course!),
and the result of a friend and I impulse-buying at a
charity auction (we were very lucky that she had been
vet-checked prior to sale; that is *not* the prudent
way to acquire a horse).  I just instantly liked her.
> > Ridden, she is correctly leg-yielding,
> two-tracking,
> > halt-and-backing, and speeding/slowing with slow
> > inhale/exhale of my breath (the latter is very
> >handy if your reins break!).
> Please explain two-tracking.  This is all Dressage,
> right?  

Yes, although variations also are used in Western and
Hunter classes.  
Two-tracking (called three-tracking in some circles)
is when the horse is moving forward with its body at a
small angle to the direction of travel (three-tracking
is when the angle is larger; half-passing is moving
completely sideways).
--->  \  ---> /  --->                    ---> I --->  
(3-tracking, from R leg, then L)                    

 Leg-yield:      i   (finish)
          i   (start)      (direction horse facing I )

> > Our next big hurdle is to canter with a rider;
> I'll
> > have my instructor on-hand for that, because
> Cezanne
> > *really* likes to run.  "Flight without wings" -
> > indeed!  <silly grin>
> Good luck!  I think I told you about my experience
> as a child riding my
> horse bareback and downhill -- she loved to run in
> that situation with my
> hanging on to her neck for dear life!

Once she's more experienced, I'll add in barebacking -
but no running downhill with only a halter for
directing!   :)

who wonders if the diagrams willl make it coherently

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