Which is the biggest joke?

This post?

The movie?

Bruce Willis's career?

Or … or maybe the universe we've created with our own self-indulgent, inbred HollyStupid idiocy, so bizarre that no one, even distanced by it all from just a few years in time, can understand how mind-bogglingly idiotic we all are for getting sucked into this vacuum of absolutely, positively worthless shit?

I mean, suppose you're an alien from, oh I don't know, Argentina. You come here and see … what? Morons driveling over American Idols, idiots drooling about Britney and car seats … and maybe you want to hack a raft from bamboo and head into the sunset, figuring even the ocean's threat of dehydration will better fill your thirst for culture.

America's a cesspool and I'm not being cantankerous or elderly here. The culture really has gone to shit since television was invented. Maybe we all just need to back off the consumer culture a while, stop trying to buy the next newest SUV because it's shinier than our current gas pig, stop eating cheese fried cheese with cheese and ranch dressing and get off our fat asses and exercise instead of taking statins (which kill people, you know). Maybe it's time for us to actually work, to try to get a national, collective soul.

Nah … can't be that, Gotta be Bruce, for playing in a farcical and insane crapfest with Billy Bob. Ha ha! How sad.

Now when's the Superman movie coming out? I heard Kevin Spacey's in it.

On Jun 28, 2006, at 3:45 PM, Gary Nunn wrote:

While looking something else up, I ran across this....

The Astronaut Farmer

Starring Bruce Willis & Billy Bob Thorton

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress "The Seven-Year Mirror"


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