Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
At 12:20 PM Wednesday 6/28/2006, Julia Thompson wrote:
Klaus Stock wrote:
What was that about cell-phone radiation not being able to penetrate the
skull again?
Smoking is harmful,
alcolhol is harmful,
cell phones are harmful...
...what will come next?
Something really stupid like "buring mineral oil products is harmful"?

Doing fun things with fire has the potential to be harmful, but the likelihood of harm isn't as high as you might think. (Even with a flamethrower.)

And the potential for fun is usually judged to be greater than the potential for harm. Even if the judger is sober.

-- Ronn!  :)

If you have a handle on basic fire safety, you're usually OK. Of the 500+ people I know were playing with fire last month, only one really got burned. You want a spotter with a wet towel around, and you want to be sure you're doing it in a space that is not, itself, going to combust. Once you have those covered, you're probably OK. I wouldn't mess with it drunk. And if I were doing anything with fire, I'd put my hair up and make sure my shirt were tight-fitting.


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