On 14/07/2006, at 11:31 PM, Dave Land wrote:
For me, questions that compare the official report's explanation of the
attack and its aftermath with the major common elements of the top
couple of conspiracy theories (how is it that WTC 1 & 2 fell at very
near free-fall-in-a-vacuum speeds;

Estimates range from 8.4 to 15+ seconds. That's a huge range, and if you take anything in the upper half of that range, it's not even vaguely "mysterious". And watching it again on some program the other night, it definitely wasn't anywhere near the lower estimates.

what _exactly_ was the mechanism by
which WTC 7 fell -- a building which did _not_ have thousands of gallons
of burning Jet-A in it; and so forth)

"Mechanism"? For goodness sake. It had a burning 400+m tower collapse about a hundred metres away - and WTC6 was destroyed during the collapse. Surrounding buildings had to be condemned too.



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