At 11:24 PM Wednesday 7/26/2006, Julia Thompson wrote:
But whether people plan their pregnancies around the tax season or their
new-age hippie health classes is irrelevant to the question:
Yoga is a new-age hippie health class? Since when?

The only 2 yoga instructors I know personally are new-age hippy types. Well, new-age, anyway. Dunno if doing crazy things with fire lets you qualify as a "hippy". :) (Many of my more interesting RL friends do interesting things with fire. I'm mildly pyrophobic, and I hang with pyromaniacs. Go figure.)

Which reminds me of something I thought of the other day: when are we going to get to see some pictures of you playing with fire?

--Ronn! :)

I always knew that I would see the first man on the Moon.
I never dreamed that I would see the last.
        --Dr. Jerry Pournelle


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