--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Nick Arnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Indeed, I'd argue that you have your
> > causality reversed - they weren't telling us those things that
> > weren't true to justify the war, they were trying to justify the
> > war because they were telling us those things that weren't true.
> Sorry, but I keep reading that over and over, but I can't
> understand it.

Dan pretty much had it.  In my opinion, Bush, et al did not decide
to invade Iraq and then decide to justify it by saying that Iraq had
WMD stockpiles (and Bush et al certainly didn't decide to just
completely make up the idea that Iraq had WMD stockpiles out of
whole cloth.)   Rather, in my opinion, Bush, et al believed that
Iraq had WMD stockpiles and programs, and that this was a primary
factor in Bush et al deciding to invade Iraq.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Nick Arnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I don't think it changes the fact that virtually all the reasons
> that people supported going into this war turned out to be wrong.

I don't know that that is true.  For example, another area where
Republicans would probably poll "smarter" than Democrats is the
issue of Nigerian yellowcake.

Additionally, Saddam Hussein's use of torture, disappearances, and
famine as a tool of political impression all appear to be true.

Furthermore, the long-term weakness of sanctions on Iraq, as
demonstrated by the Oil-for-Food scandal, also appears to have been

> Where's the accountability for
> that?  I've heard exactly one member of Congress apologize to
> those who have
> lost the most -- family members.  Each of us have had thousands of
> our tax dollars spent.

Such an apology would be taken as tantamount to saying that we
should not have invaded Iraq.   I know of few members of Congress or
the Administration who are willing to say that - especially while
the Iraq project continues, and while our troops remain on the
ground there.

> What's the meaning of a poll that show Democrats aren't kidding
> themselves about the facts as much as Republicans?

That Democrats are smarter about concocting a biased poll that
produces the results that they most want to hear?

Kind of ironic that you keep bringing this poll up, given that your
ultimate grievance is the biased analysis of information.

> Or hard decisions.  We're in denial over Social Security, for
> example.

And its worth noting that Democrats were instrumental in torpedoing
our best chance at Social Security reform in a generation....



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