Gibson Jonathan wrote:
We have three cats who have made a serious dent in the gopher population in our neighborhood - without poisons. Playful ribbing aside, they have been much more patient and ardent hunters than the dogs around here. It's also quite a sight to see our smallish felines carry a struggling rat almost as large as themselves over for approval.

I love cats and dogs, but for different reasons. Dogs are great chums and loyal "friends" beyond any reason. They appear to have been bred to fit human needs far more than cats, who obviously understand power politics better than canines.
Where Douglas Adams' white mice come in I'm still puzzling out...
As a child that raised white mice and rats as much as I did snakes, I can attest that white rats are much, much better pets than white mice. Mice bite and their urine stinks something awful. Neither is true of white rats. Rats actually make very nice pets, much better pets than hamsters of gerbils. Of course, that is just my person opinion. But it is based on personal experience.

John W. Redelfs                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Since we are all children of the same Heavenly Father, we really are all brothers and sisters." --Uncle Bob
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR


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