Gibson Jonathan wrote:
Greetings compatriots,

I note the last few days have seen a small wave of 9-11 collusion/conspiracy events worth bringing up as they appear to shed yet more light on this heated topic. I'm still digesting what we've already been writing and following up on and I'd rather stew on it further, but events appear to be accelerating. Although there are many fine ideas expressed by our group around what mechanisms, natural -or- otherwise, could have brought the buildings down what is notable is the sheer number and severity of anomalies in timing and eye-witness accounts of these events only makes me ever-more suspicious.

First things this morning my news aggregators popped up a Washington Post story stating the 9-11 Commission debated hard over repeated lies and falsehoods put forward by the Pentagon about what and why the military was prevented from following regular procedures for interception that day. It was argued hard that criminal proceedings should be brought, but politics ruled the day and they deferred action to {executive branch} departments to investigate - if they felt such a whimsy.

Last night C-SPAN carried a rare public discussion of the event by some of the figures that members of this discussion group have been quick to demean and they present themselves and {new} facts well. Before you chomp hard on my very short notes please watch the whole segment as there are certainly clues I did not pick up on that will inform this debate. RealVideo = 1:45 minutes. C-SPAN has this in the temp-bin which typically goes away in 60 days.

Rough highlights:
Dr Jones: Where does the molten metal found under World Trade Center 7 come from if it wasn't hit by a plane - yet fell symmetrically with all the signs of controlled demolition? Jones claims the substance he found on metal samples from WTC1+2 demonstrate not that Thermite was used, but the patented version known as Thermate - a super demolition-specific version. Sulfer, Manganese, and other elements confirm the yellow-red color of aluminum photographed is Thermate -vs- Themite which runs silvery when it melts aluminum. I'm waiting for my nay-sayer discussion-mates to chime in with another alternative explanation, but I hope they watch the entire show as my notes are cursory and not rigorous.

Lt. Col. Bowman: "The truth about 9-11 is we don't know the truth about 9-11." An old interceptor pilot who ran the initial Star Wars program asks, "why were these planes not intercepted?" Bowman is more about heat than light as he's runninng for Congress in Florida, so he's less-filling on the facts side, but well-stocked on the moving forward checklist, "It's time the oil mafia was removed from office and indicted for treason"

Tarpley: "It took me 30 seconds to determine this was done as an inside job due to the resources required and location limited just which organizations could make such things happen... This was a coup d'etat. ... Awareness now of these actions will immunize us from future false-flag operations imminently due to push us into war with Iran.

Dr Fetzer: Top-Ten reasons hijackers are fake:
10) names of hijackers NOT on airline manifests - not easy to do
9) no bodies available for autopsy
8) 5-7 of these people turning up alive in mid-east & UK
7) FBI suspect lists not modified by these people turning up
6) FBI knew immediately names of all hijackers by Atta's luggage with lists and documents
5) These figures could not have flown the commercial jets.
4) Cell phones don't work at the altitude & speed flying.
3) Cockpit recorders don't record
2) 'Allah Akbar' are not the last words a devout muslim says when confronting death: bad script writing is his suggestion. 1) Moussari confessed to a different crime than what the Government finally convicted him on and FBI spies following him told their superiors 70 times that this man was part of a deadly plot to crash a plane into the White House. Conclusion: he was allowed to roam as a patsy held in reserve. Compare and contrast how Nichols was given decades of prison essentially for not telling anyone McViegh was about to bomb Oklahoma City.

Alex Jones: Why did the head of the CIA-centric Defense Language Institute {here in Monterey, California} immediately claim the goivernment was behind this and that three of the hijackers had been studying at his school?

I recently listened to WTC survivor and certified hero William Rodriguez describe his actions and what he witnessed that day. It is truly remarkable as a story of repeatedly rescuing people from inside the buildings by someone who worked there for a decade. For years he cleaned the stairwells starting from the top floors working down and was intimately familiar with the structure and procedures which helped him assist firemen and save many lives. What he describes is hair-raising: explosions in the basement that had wounded people piling up in the broken lobby interior even before the firemen arrived {corroborating testimony I have previously heard from the first firemen to arrive}, and odd goings on just up to the few days before it all happened. The sequence of multiple explosions he describes also jibe with the testimony of firemen who survived. It's riveting.

And Dr Jones talks in depth about the metal analysis he's done. This covers the chemical composition of samples and peculiar angled slicing of steel supports that weakened structure. It's nuanced beyond my familiarity, but perhaps our crew can shed light?
He mentions URLs for pix and papers, but I didn't note them down.

Then there is the Scripps survey out this AM describing 1/3 of Americans now believe something much more odd was going on that day than the official story would have it. Granted this is a measure of the rumor mill and other factors, but consistent with the growing concerns ordinary people are having with this issue.
Of course, everyone knows that I am just a right-wing crackpot and conspiracy nut, so no one has to pay any attention to me. But my son and I knew that 9-11 was an inside job as we watched the towers fall on live TV on 9-11. GW and his neocon friends in the oil business obviously needed some pretext for starting an ongoing, never ending, perpetual war for perpetual peace. Most wars are started by wicked men in high places for similar reasons. All of the reasons given are just propaganda to get the masses to go along with them. If those who actually run America, and I'm not talking about Congress and the White House, really wanted to secure this country against terrorism, what would be the first thing they would do? Yep, screen everyone who comes and goes just as carefully as they currently screen grandmothers in our nation's airports. Is that being done? Is it even being attempted? No, of course not. If containers coming into our ports are not inspected and screened, and if our borders are not secure so that everyone coming in has to go through a proper screening, then we haven't got the slightest idea who or what is coming and going. *The fact that we still have virtually unlimited entry into the country through our ports and across our borders is proof positive that the government isn't honest when it talks about fighting terrorism.

*And if the government isn't serious about terrorism, then what was 9-11 all about? What is the Iraq war all about? What was the Afghanistan war all about? The American people are obviously being played for complete suckers, and nearly all of them are blindly going along with it. It is hard to imagine how intelligent and educated people can be so gullible, but there is the proof, right before our eyes.

John W. Redelfs                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Since we are all children of the same Heavenly Father, we really are all brothers and sisters." --Uncle Bob
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR


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