> Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro wrote:
> > Richard Baker wrote:

> > ... Suppose we have a "time scoop" that can
> pluck ancestors of
> > modern humans out of the past and into the present
> >...enough to make up a small town's population,
> grabbing them at 1000
> > year intervals...I don't think anyone would argue
> that the ancestors
> > from AD1000, AD1 or 1000BC shouldn't be granted
> human rights. But how
> > about the small rodent-like ones from
> 100,000,000BC? Then where is the line to be drawn?

> I think this imaginary experiment shows that "human
> rights" should
> be granted to animals, but with less strict
> criteria. For example, chimps
> should have some human rights, but not all [at least
> now].

And protections ought to be granted to other, less
intelligent animals -- frex at least minimal space to
move, sunlight exposure, non-fetid air etc. for our
food animals.  Excessive suffering, such as endured by
geese for fois gras or calves for veal, should be
outlawed (and in some places already is).  Laws that
are already in place against cruelty need to be
enforced.  I've previously lambasted various portions
of the horse showing and racing world - but quick
profit trumps stewardship in too many cases.

Barbaro And Ruffian And... Maru    >:/

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