Alberto Monteiro wrote:

> > I guess you are not terribly interested in India History,
> >
> Come on, please! 1 Giga people, millions of ethnicities, 6000 
> years of recorded history, some other thousand years of 
> archeological history... It's _impossible_ for anyone to know 
> India History. The better we can handle is a general idea. 
> Don't blame WTG for not knowing some facts.

I wasn't blaming him - I was guessing. I have no way of knowing if WTG
is, or isn't, interested in Indian History, and I don't mind it if
people don't know, Indians and foreigners alike. I certainly know only a
bit about bits of it.

If I'd have had any expectations of WTG knowing these details, they
would have been based on the fact that the period he was refering to not
only spanned a mere 190 years, it was also a historical experience his
country shares with mine. But since I already have been told that the
British Raj isn't taught in extensive detail in Britain, I had no such



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