On 4 Sep 2006 at 1:51, William T Goodall wrote:

> On 4 Sep 2006, at 1:28AM, Andrew Crystall wrote:
> > On 4 Sep 2006 at 1:22, William T Goodall wrote:
> >>
> >> I'm being far politer to you than all the careless educators who
> >> couldn't be bothered to teach you the basics of thinking and writing
> >> because you had a handicap.
> >
> > Your basic lack of knowledge about dyslexia is glaring. It is not
> > something which can be "overcome" by an educator.
> I guess my mother wasted her time getting those special teaching  
> qualifications in dyslexia then. Nothing could be done for those kids.

Plenty which can be done. But someone who is dyslexic will allways 
make certain personally consistant spelling errors. That is not 
something which can be overcome, as stated.

> > It is a literal
> > perceptile gap on the part of the dyslexic person.
> >
> > That you also link it to thinking is a another normal cheap shot you
> > take,
> Thinking is a skill that needs to be trained and reading is a vital  
> part of that training. People with reading problems need extra help  
> you seem to have missed out on.

Yes, and you made the assumption I had reading issues. I do not, I 
had a reading age of 16+ at age 7. My issues are in the fields of 
writing (my typing is far better than a lot of people who are not 
dyslexic, my handwriting is terrible) and memory (I have a memory 
system which works fine).

> > you simply cannot pass up an opportunity to be petty and
> > bigoted.
> >
> You are displacing the high anxiety level caused by your cognitive  
> dissonance (due to your poor comprehension  skills) by constantly  
> blaming and attacking others.

You are a narrow minded bigot who assumes things about others without 
knowing the first thing about them (see above, no reading 

Your writing style is based entirely on these assumptions, and as 
stated before your parents did not educate you in the least about 

Dawn Falcon


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