Nick Arnett wrote:

> We went to the San Jose Flea Market today... a large affair, 
> with all sorts of vendors... including a photogaphy studio... 
> where They Have Appeared.  I got a picture with my camera phone.
> And dang it, they're not teal.

No, they are not teal. But they aren't real either. The wheels
protruding from the beast in that photo are a good hint...

I think it is time I stepped in sorted out this confusion. After all,
the Bearer of Truth can do no less:

Unicorns do not exist, not as a separate species anyway. What happens is
that people with bad eye-sights, or faulty cameras, look at rhinocereses
and see unicorns. And the the fight about colour? Well, that is a
side-effect of the fact that the rhinos love Holi and each year a few of
them get caught in the near-permanent dye solutions. So different
people, at different times, have seen pink, blue, green, teal, and red

GCU Myth Buster


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