On 4 Sep 2006 at 0:30, David Hobby wrote:

> Andrew Crystall wrote:
> ...
> > Your basic lack of knowledge about dyslexia is glaring. It is not 
> > something which can be "overcome" by an educator. It is a literal 
> > perceptile gap on the part of the dyslexic person.
> Andrew--
> Sorry about my "Scientototology" joke a couple days
> ago.  On the other hand, why exactly can't you put
> things through a spell-checker?  It won't catch
> everything, but it would have caught "Scientotology"...

Because the latest security update to Pegasus Mail broke the plug-in 
spellchecker I use. And for casual usage I'm not going to run 
everything through Writer.

Dawn Falcon


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