Richard Baker wrote:
JohnR said:

What we really need is an OS with all of the advantages of XP and
Ubuntu and none of the disadvantages of either.  Then maybe we
would have a decent operating system.

That's called "OS X". Oh, except for the fact that OS X is much easier
to use (and prettier!) than XP.

And traditional Unix doesn't actually make a whole heap of sense. Why
are there dozens of different configuration file formats? Why does no
other Unix have things like launchd and lookupd but rather a rats nest
of systems for starting processes and looking up directory data?
Because they aren't slaves of Steve Jobs?
John W. Redelfs                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR


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