In a message dated 9/6/2006 7:58:49 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Upon  what do atheists base
their morality?  I've never been able to  understand this.  If selection of
the species is determined by  survival of the fittest, isn't "might" the
ultimate good, biologically  speaking?  The strong are just doing nature a
favor by rubbing out the  weak, preferably before they have a chance to
reproduce.  Following  this line of reasoning, would not killing babies be
one of the "moral"  things a person could do?  That way only the babies of
the strongest  parents would be able to survive, and that would improve the
bloodline,  isn't that so?

I am late to this discussion - Have been in Salzburg all week - but the  
notion that atheist are by definition immoral or that only with religion can  
there be a reason for living and a reason to be good is simply not true. We are 
social animals; like all social animals we succeed (produce more offspring or  
more correctly more grand children) by being successful in our social  
interaction. We act morally and fairly because this the best way to achieve  
We engage in complex games of tit for tat (you do well by me; I will do  well 
by you; you cheat and I will not interact with you in the future). In order  
to do this we have developed exquisite tools for detecting cheaters and liars. 
 We have built in tools for deciding what is fair and what is not. There is a 
 huge amount of research (in particular in game theory) that confirms that  
morality is inborn. We experience fairness as pleasure, lying as pain. 
All theoretical issues aside - in a practical real world sense the question  
is are atheists any more likely to be immoral and evil than  religious people? 
I think not. I am a moral person and yet I  do not  believe in god. I am not 
a doctrinaire atheist in the sense of thinking  religious people are crazy 
stupid or evil. I just don't believe in  god. I can't see how one can reconcile 
an all powerful entity that is  good and yet would allow such pain and 
suffering in the world . I know  the "god works in mysterious ways' argument 
but if we 
are not allowed to blame  god for evil because we cannot know his ways how 
can we credit him with good? 

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